Saturday, January 2, 2010

Climate Changes, With No Results

After “Dopenhagen’s” Climate Change summit that resulted in nothing but political handshakes, winks and civilian riots what are we left with? Yeah, I can’t think of anything either.

So what happens now? Personally, I’ll be continuing on with my life the same way I always have. But when I think of how that life has changed even in my short time here, I still don’t see the results we were all promised.

When I was a kid in the 80’s recycling was nearly nonexistent. Woodsy Owl taught us to “give a hoot and don’t pollute” but that was about the extent of it. Soon after however we all became much more informed. People started recycling with laws from towns that enforced it. Companies like McDonalds stopped using Styrofoam containers so their impact on the environment was less. Bottles changed, recycled content was all the rage and cars became increasingly more efficient.

But what has happened now that I have spent more than 2/3’s of my life trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible? Not a fucking thing. Al Gore wants me to believe that we’re still too dirty and uses charts from an era where we’ve clearly tried to give a shit about the planet that sustains us. We’ve made our smog restrictions, booted all the manufacturers out of the country, changed our eating habits, and limited the chemicals we use with the aerosols that propel them and still… not one iota of positive change.

For the life of me I can’t figure out if its human selfishness that makes us fall for this shit or not. You would probably be hard pressed to find a normal thinking person that feels living a polluting life is good for the planet but what will happen to those people that live so diligently and still find out they made no change?

If even in my life time and the twenty years I remember us all playing by the rules has led to no positive change what will? We already know that the globe has always had a shifting climate and that a 1 degree change is nothing drastic in relation to what this place is capable of. Scientists have proven that there have been at least 5major ice ages and the next is inevitable. So is it that selfishness that makes us think we can prolong or alter those changes? It’s clear we mean well but according to the scare machine that is Climate Change, what we’ve done is not enough and never will be.

Instead of taking a deep breath, now the US government regulates the carbon dioxide we produce from exhaling. 20 years from now I’ll write another post, do you think we’ll still be doing all of this with no results or will we have fallen for something else? My bet is hedged with, probably both.

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