Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gay Marriage: Why I don’t support it

If any of my gay friends read the title of this I hope it aggravated you just a bit because you and they should be mad right now. Not at me but at such a stupid f’n argument it should not even be up for debate. The reason I don’t support it however, is not what you’d believe. Where I contest the idea is that our Government has the right to declare “marriage” and what it is. Marriage is a term with religious roots and should remain as such. All the government should be concerned with is Civil Unions between any number of Americans. 1 and 1, 1 and 3, whatever... they should see us as a number. Not a man, not a woman, not black nor white, just an American.

What makes my argument differ from apparently everyone else is I don’t think we as Americans need to ask our government who we can or cannot love. They should be concerned with if we would like to financially arrange ourselves to another person(s) and that’s that. If you’re a man who loves another man, whether you were born that way or choose that way, who am I to be concerned with that? Who is our government to mandate actions to any one of us to trample on our individual decisions in such a regard?

These are people that we elect and we have to ask them if we can visit a spouse in the hospital? We argue over words but forget the principle. Our Government should back out of our business and let individual institutions declare marriages separate from the “technical civil unions” the government should be concerned with. If one church practices a system where marriage is strictly between a man and a woman people should be able to choose to go there to get their weddings done, and marriages declared. If gay people can’t that sucks but because we’re resourceful Americans, a market is created for a church that would. In fact because this is America and ultimately we do whatever we want anyway, those churches would pop up all over the place .

If the Government only saw our financial arrangements as civil unions, whether you’re straight or gay then what is the problem? The government gets what they want (a tracking of who we share our finances with so they can tax us to near starvation) and we get what we want, a chance to love who we want, when we want for as long as we want.

The biggest problem I see when watching protests like what just happened within the Beltway this week was 10’s of thousands of people are willing to protest in this country “asking” to be treated like “regular” Americans. The more we argue how we’re different Americans the more we forget that we’re all just one group and none of us should be treated differently under any circumstance. Stop asking the government for permission and start reworking your argument.

It ultimately could be a policy put into effect where no one is hurt whether by their own morals or choices, their genetics or anything else. If the Government gets out of the “marriage” business and starts calling it what it is, another way to tax… this argument wouldn’t even exist. It wouldn’t cure homophobia but it gets the government out of trying to control who and what we are no matter who we are as long as we’re Americans.


J. Woodbury said...

I agree. My main concern for this debate besides equality is medical coverage. A person should be able to claim any person they want as their partner and therefore share their benefits with that partner. As long as the government allows that and the appropriate tax breaks afforded to married couples, I could care less. Why be part of a religion that thinks your union is wrong? Also, if the government wants to get involved in church affairs a good first step would be to start charging them taxes.

FroOchie said...

Hahah, I didn't think about the tax route but I agree Lion. They should have ponied up with the rest of us years ago.