Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bank of America- WTF!?

OK Folks, some of you may or may not pay attention to current events which is your prerogative but certain things need to be known.

Recently Bank of America, one our countries biggest lenders, decided it would run a new pilot program in LosAngeles, CA. The program is to extend lines of credit to "migrant" people helping them establish themselves in this country financially. This may be through personal or business accounts, because it's a new pilot program details are limited.

Now, this sounds well and good as the United States is the "Land of Opportunity" but in lies a fundamental problem with their pilot. These "migrant" applicants will not need Social Security info to get the loans. Bank of America, WHAT THE FUCK? Spending 30 years in this country I've had to live knowing that my actions were tied to a number that follows me my entire life. One that shows my accountability through previous bank relations and taxes paid. My work history, my legal dealings, the size of my howdoyoudo etc...

Obviously the surface layer of this is BS. "Why do the rest of our country's citizens get held to a different standard?" But the deeper issue has to be security. Anyone that gets into the country illegally can set up shop to do whatever they'd like on our soil, funded by our banks. Namely one with "of America" as its moniker...if that's not a kick in the ass?!

Perhaps this is no big deal but to me it is. Believing how I do that this country is founded, built and supported by our immigrants is all well and good, but I still believe you should sign our guest book. Get your papers and do it right like many of our families did before us... and I'm content. Because of their actions, I've closed out my Bank of America account today and moved its monies over to my credit union instead for the time being. Finding another local bank is no problem, but one that I can stand by has to be the bigger issue and this is where I now stand.

If you made it to the end, I thank you for hearing me out... If you agree pass it along.


PS: Ms. X at my local branch of Bank of America told me I was the first to do it but expected and hoped others would follow. Though an employee of the very company that would act so stupidly, she agreed wholeheartedly in my actions. If they are to change their policy or cancel the pilot, I will give them back my business but until then... Does anyone know how Commerce is? :P


They say, they know, they did, they are, they lie, they forgot, they fucked up, they should, they cant, they thought, they think, they said, they wont, they can, they shouldn't, they will, they came, they promised,they fail, they misunderstood, they are the future, they change, they have spoken, they are sorry, they who?

Their ideas, their principles, their peace of mind, their stake, their will, their wavier, their pride, their reason, their excuse, their honesty, their resolve, their ambition, their control, their opinions, their words, their blogs, their hatred, their propaganda, their spewings, their happiness, their way of life, their beliefs, their hopes, their dreams, their disappointments and their triumphs.

There's time, there's a way, there's a light, there's pressure, there's strength, there's perseverance, there's luck, there's good days, there are bad days, there's sayings, there's alternatives, there's better ways, there's worse things, there's things we need to do, there's a proper way to do it,there's so little, there's so much, there's a good chance, there's risks, there's goals, there's questions, there's hope, their wishes, they are here.
