Thursday, May 24, 2007
Finally someone has laid out a list of why she hates the President and the reasons for why we need to be onboard with that. Joy Behar makes a compelling argument by listing whats wrong with Bush, but was lazy in articulating what her disgust really was. My take to follow up her itemization...
Stole the election:
As usual both parties had their share of antics; Democrats found a few hundred thousand dead people and vagrants to vote while the Republicans rounded up the Military and the geriatrics. If an election was really stolen, there would have been a lawsuit. A mandate to all the branches for law change of the Electoral College and a complete overhaul of our electoral process would still be rearing its head years later. Is a stolen election seriously still and argument? If you know anything about politics you'd know that race was over as soon as Ohio came in Blue. She's the state that's been predicting Presidencies since the 1950's, spot on every time, and when she said Bush was her daddy; we should have listened. The theory that his brother helped him into power with Florida is crap. The land of the newly wed and nearly dead has been Republican for years, the voters were not duped… doped maybe but clearly not duped after 208,384,212.4 recounts.
He killed the surplus with tax cuts:
Our economy was rough after the previous Administration and trending downward. With tax cuts we've all benefited from more money in our pockets. We spent a surplus is the argument by putting money back into American hands... hello? If I've got all my ducks in a row, am I to understand that the argument is that I should have let the government hold onto the surplus ie. extra money laying around instead of them giving it back to me- the money that they had because we pay close to half of our salaries in taxes to the IRS? No USA, you keep my money… I'm sure you'll be able to find a good $400 hammer to buy with it instead of my rebate check.
Wanted to privatize social security:
That bastard Bush, let me tell you... All that money that we dump into Social Security, the system we know will be broke before we ever get to see a penny, was going to be reduced by 25%. Instead of paying 100% to the Fed for them to lose the money before we need it, 75% would go to them while the remainder 25% would go back to us, the people. Son of a bitch, the balls of this President I don't believe it. So not only does he want to give me back money I've been overtaxed to spend at my leisure but he also wanted to give me back 25% of the money the government blows so that I can put that in a retirement account that works like our 401k's and IRA's.
Withdrew us from Kyoto:
So here we are with this shit head President and he can't even be good to the Earth. Though he didn't withdraw us since we were never ratified, he never ratified either. Ratified means we sign the binding contract or pay the fines to the United Nations if we don't adhere. The UN wanted America to reduce its Carbon Dioxide output, obviously at our expense. Using the less efficient ethanol or the million dollar wind generators etc the protocol says we should take on the brunt of reduction no matter how much it costs us. It would have cost the average American only 10s of thousands in taxes and associated fees and expenses every year but hey we're fixing the unfixable, it's a small price to pay right? Meanwhile our man Bush didn't want us to commit to that venture stating it would be too expensive for the US and that it was unfair that China, the second biggest offender set to be biggest by late 2007 didn't need to do diddly. No protocol for them, just us and the rest of the world with the US taking most of the tab. Bush, you jerk!
John Ashcroft:
How is it befitting to hire as your Attorney General a man that was once a Lawyer, a Governor, and a US Senator? His previous jobs were elected positions where he was voted into office. He was the most powerful prosecutor in the country and he was hugely against crime. He hated drugs, sang poorly, and looked like a Republican. What an ass he was as was the man we have in charge.
Read "Pet Goat" on 9/11:
What was that all about anyway? How could he have been cool, calm, and collected? How can you get information about whats going on when you're traveling with 20 of your closest staff all connected 15 different ways with cell phones, computers, PDA's and the sort. Shouldn't he have been scaring the kids in an uproar, running down the hallways of the school waving his arms around, crying like a baby and flying up the first war plane back at our enemies? In 7 minutes one can create all kinds of needless drama, what a waste he was by not doing so.
Lied for war:
Before Bush was President, the need for war was the Democratic message for the 2000 elections. Starting before 1998 President Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and many others saw a need to invade Iraq and disarm them and told us about it. Bush took the handoff and ran with it. Honestly, does anyone believe the audacity of this chump? We speak of invading a country years before it happens, all agree that its what needs to be done and then ask the new guy to pull the trigger. When he does we all look at him and call him the liar... LOL that dope.
No bid contracts:
We have to blame Bush again. Even though this is the Senate and House's job to award contracts, Bush is as fault anyway. The "Why" is because bid contracts are much better. Toilet seats need to cost $350 per and that price should be set in stone. We should also limit the only company big enough to do what it does with restrictions on what money they can charge. They need to know in advance exactly what they'll bill out for because its easy to see unforseen problems. When they run out of money they can let the Legislative Branch argue about giving them more for months on end while progress stagnates in a war torn region. This way we can bitch about that instead.
Abu Garib:
Bush personally picked and trained the soldiers in charge of the prison. He took the pictures that circled round the world after giving the suggestions of how the detainees should pose. It was he that took off their cloths, he who blasted the loud music and he who said cheese when he got 5 inmates doing a human pile on with sexual overtone. What a fucker.
Michael Brown-Katrina:
When in doubt, blame the wrong guy. And when you do makes sure you hate on the guy that hired on him even more...its easier. Bush where are you? You've fucked up once again my friend? Next time we have a national emergency I'd like you to change the responsibility of FEMA. Apparently because we the people didn't realize its not a emergency response system like Police, Fire and Military you fucked up. Though FEMA has a job and did its job, because we want it to be a different kind of agency then what it is, we need a revamp. Next I'd like you to change the nations Plumbers to Dr's and the Cable Repair people to EMT's.
Iraq study group:
Here's a real moron for you… I'm so sick of Bush. How do you not listen to an Organization that has been promoting peace since 1981 while studying the radical Muslim fundamentalism that wants to see us and Israel exterminated. Since they've been studying and recommending we've only been attacked by this form of hate merely 12 times, killing thousands of Americans. Now I'm not going to speak for any of you, but my take is definitely when punched, never attack back unless you've been hit at least 15 times first. Choosing to defend yourself is in clear violation to human rights if the right that your enemy wants is to attack you. They called dibs first, we've let them have it right?
Choked on pretzel:
If it was salted with Mustard, this man has issues we'll never be able to fully address.
Waited a week to visit New Orleans:
Oh my god, I hate Bush for two reasons on this one. One because he's changed the definition of a week to a day and a half, the real time it took him to get to a city 90 percent underwater. Secondly because its his fault. Its his fault the Mayor of New Orleans had no evacuation plan, its his fault that Louisiana had been spending Levee Repair money for 20 years prior to the flood on other things like sports teams, and its definitely his fault when the Governor refused federal aid until nearly a week later.
Stood by Gonzales:
Nothing else pisses me off more than a Friend that gets another friend hired, defends him at his own expense when he's assaulted by everyday politics, and would dare expect him to have some of the same principles that guide him. Personally in my jobs, I like to hate everyone I work with so I never make friends, have management leave my side me when times get rough, and fire me at will when my customer says it should be. No questions ask, they're right and I'm wrong so please take their road and send me packing. If Bush was a real man, he'd manage his politics like I've laid out my career for myself.
Stood by Rumsy:
Like Gonzales, I don't know what Bush was thinking here. You must Fire a man after 3 years if by then two wars still look like wars. If there aren't daisies on those battle fields I want the man running the show kicked to the curb and thrown out on his ass. I'm pretty sure there is a rule somewhere that says when taking on a world wide enemy in no less than two countries, reestablishing 2 former democracies in a region where there is next to none whilst taking on the slandering of your administration; it needs to be done, start to finish in about a week…maybe 2. 3 years with no outcome is far too long for what we've done, Bush should have been much more pissed off.
He cant pronounce nuclear:
And people from Massachusetts can't say "car" while people from New Jersey make the number 3 sound like foliage.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Bank of America- WTF!?
OK Folks, some of you may or may not pay attention to current events which is your prerogative but certain things need to be known.
Recently Bank of America, one our countries biggest lenders, decided it would run a new pilot program in LosAngeles, CA. The program is to extend lines of credit to "migrant" people helping them establish themselves in this country financially. This may be through personal or business accounts, because it's a new pilot program details are limited.
Now, this sounds well and good as the United States is the "Land of Opportunity" but in lies a fundamental problem with their pilot. These "migrant" applicants will not need Social Security info to get the loans. Bank of America, WHAT THE FUCK? Spending 30 years in this country I've had to live knowing that my actions were tied to a number that follows me my entire life. One that shows my accountability through previous bank relations and taxes paid. My work history, my legal dealings, the size of my howdoyoudo etc...
Obviously the surface layer of this is BS. "Why do the rest of our country's citizens get held to a different standard?" But the deeper issue has to be security. Anyone that gets into the country illegally can set up shop to do whatever they'd like on our soil, funded by our banks. Namely one with "of America" as its moniker...if that's not a kick in the ass?!
Perhaps this is no big deal but to me it is. Believing how I do that this country is founded, built and supported by our immigrants is all well and good, but I still believe you should sign our guest book. Get your papers and do it right like many of our families did before us... and I'm content. Because of their actions, I've closed out my Bank of America account today and moved its monies over to my credit union instead for the time being. Finding another local bank is no problem, but one that I can stand by has to be the bigger issue and this is where I now stand.
If you made it to the end, I thank you for hearing me out... If you agree pass it along.
PS: Ms. X at my local branch of Bank of America told me I was the first to do it but expected and hoped others would follow. Though an employee of the very company that would act so stupidly, she agreed wholeheartedly in my actions. If they are to change their policy or cancel the pilot, I will give them back my business but until then... Does anyone know how Commerce is? :P
Recently Bank of America, one our countries biggest lenders, decided it would run a new pilot program in LosAngeles, CA. The program is to extend lines of credit to "migrant" people helping them establish themselves in this country financially. This may be through personal or business accounts, because it's a new pilot program details are limited.
Now, this sounds well and good as the United States is the "Land of Opportunity" but in lies a fundamental problem with their pilot. These "migrant" applicants will not need Social Security info to get the loans. Bank of America, WHAT THE FUCK? Spending 30 years in this country I've had to live knowing that my actions were tied to a number that follows me my entire life. One that shows my accountability through previous bank relations and taxes paid. My work history, my legal dealings, the size of my howdoyoudo etc...
Obviously the surface layer of this is BS. "Why do the rest of our country's citizens get held to a different standard?" But the deeper issue has to be security. Anyone that gets into the country illegally can set up shop to do whatever they'd like on our soil, funded by our banks. Namely one with "of America" as its moniker...if that's not a kick in the ass?!
Perhaps this is no big deal but to me it is. Believing how I do that this country is founded, built and supported by our immigrants is all well and good, but I still believe you should sign our guest book. Get your papers and do it right like many of our families did before us... and I'm content. Because of their actions, I've closed out my Bank of America account today and moved its monies over to my credit union instead for the time being. Finding another local bank is no problem, but one that I can stand by has to be the bigger issue and this is where I now stand.
If you made it to the end, I thank you for hearing me out... If you agree pass it along.
PS: Ms. X at my local branch of Bank of America told me I was the first to do it but expected and hoped others would follow. Though an employee of the very company that would act so stupidly, she agreed wholeheartedly in my actions. If they are to change their policy or cancel the pilot, I will give them back my business but until then... Does anyone know how Commerce is? :P
They say, they know, they did, they are, they lie, they forgot, they fucked up, they should, they cant, they thought, they think, they said, they wont, they can, they shouldn't, they will, they came, they promised,they fail, they misunderstood, they are the future, they change, they have spoken, they are sorry, they who?
Their ideas, their principles, their peace of mind, their stake, their will, their wavier, their pride, their reason, their excuse, their honesty, their resolve, their ambition, their control, their opinions, their words, their blogs, their hatred, their propaganda, their spewings, their happiness, their way of life, their beliefs, their hopes, their dreams, their disappointments and their triumphs.
There's time, there's a way, there's a light, there's pressure, there's strength, there's perseverance, there's luck, there's good days, there are bad days, there's sayings, there's alternatives, there's better ways, there's worse things, there's things we need to do, there's a proper way to do it,there's so little, there's so much, there's a good chance, there's risks, there's goals, there's questions, there's hope, their wishes, they are here.
Their ideas, their principles, their peace of mind, their stake, their will, their wavier, their pride, their reason, their excuse, their honesty, their resolve, their ambition, their control, their opinions, their words, their blogs, their hatred, their propaganda, their spewings, their happiness, their way of life, their beliefs, their hopes, their dreams, their disappointments and their triumphs.
There's time, there's a way, there's a light, there's pressure, there's strength, there's perseverance, there's luck, there's good days, there are bad days, there's sayings, there's alternatives, there's better ways, there's worse things, there's things we need to do, there's a proper way to do it,there's so little, there's so much, there's a good chance, there's risks, there's goals, there's questions, there's hope, their wishes, they are here.
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